Romantic Text Message Strategies

1. Don't be predictable and boring. Boring and predictable is the most inappropriate form of flirting with text messages. Your messages should be entertaining and interesting. Text messages should be entertaining and informative. This is total snoring. You'll surely receive these messages from everyone she meets. Make yourself stand out. Give her something more than that, something that gives you the incentive to reply, like "you completely cheated on football last night." I'd like to see you play again.

2. Be personal. Sometimes text messages can seem a little too personal. This will increase the intimacy between you. You can use her name in an SMS message. Girls are drawn to seeing their names in a message. It's more intimate and it provides them with a sense of intimacy. Alternatively, you could make use of the nickname you've named her to make it appear like each other are sharing an intimate joke. Make use of the words "us" and"we" when you write your posts. This creates a "me and I against the world" feeling that girls love.

3. Don't forget to compliment her. Try for example "Wow, you have gorgeous hair today, you look so gorgeous." It's really easy. Girls love feeling valued and loved. If you're able to include a few compliments that are positive into your messages, try it. A classic compliment, yet effective is "I cannot stop thinking about your black and white dress" or "You have the most bizarre sense of humor -but it's fantastic!" Be sincere with your compliments. Do not try to appear friendly or be nice to her. False compliments can be spotted by girls right away. Have a look at this fascinating relationship messages for recommendations.

4. Be secretive. Although it's fine to be mysterious in your text messages, you want to make her feel like she's following you and not the opposite. Try to be somewhat slack or distant at times but not to the point that she starts to doubt your behavior. Do not send lengthy messages that list every single boring thing about your life to her, for example when she inquires about your day. Try something like "It was pretty weird actually. People never cease to amaze as do I." I'm sure that she'll be interested and ask for more details in the next message. Don't be too vague if she asks about your plans for the weekend. If you tell her that you are going to spend this weekend working on a paper that has to be completed by Monday will not be appealing to her. Tell her you're off to slay a dragon or some other bizarre thing - it doesn't have to be true so long as it's intriguing.

5 .Tease her a little. Teasing is a great method of flirting. It lets you feel more intimate and affection without becoming too serious. You can poke fun at your girlfriend without being offensive by giving her a cute nickname. It is possible to use words like "freckles" or "little miss perfection" to poke fun at your girl. Find out what she said or did when they last hung out. For example, if she tells that she is drinking Coke and you want to suggest "just don't squirt your nose as you did last time ;)". This is an example of call-back humor that brings attention to a moment where you and your partner had fun together, making her think positive about the relationship you have. Be kind however, don't be too rude. Otherwise , your texting relationship could end quickly.

6 Be suggestive. Text flirting relationships aren't complete without some flirting. You could take the old-fashioned method of asking her about the dress she's wearing or telling her something like "I loved you in that dress, but I'm sure I'd like to see what's underneath it more". Another great technique is to deliberately misinterpret what she says as being sexual. It is possible to say, "I can't believe it how long it takes!" In this scenario it could be that she is speaking about a movie (or similar) and you could reply by declaring "that's precisely what she said." You can mention that you just got out from the shower in case your nerves are impeding you from taking the sexting route. If she responds sexually flirtatious (like "dang! I'd love to meet you") then you'll be able to tell she's open to the idea. Have a look at this lovely relationship wishes for more.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and to the point. Long text messages are dull and make you seem over-eager. It is best to keep your messages short - not more than two or three phrases. Make sure that every message is funny, clever and sweet. Don't play with the weather.

2. Send the same number of texts. There should be a certain amount of equality in every texting relationship . One person shouldn't be sending a substantially larger number of texts than another. Sending too many texts could make you appear overly eager and a little too available. You'll appear to be coming on too strong -which will cause her to be scared or cause her to lose interest. In the opposite situation it could appear that you are not interested, or make her believe that you're messaging several girls at the same time. This may cause her to believe that you're an unworthy person and stop sending sufficient texts. It is essential to try and find an equilibrium. Send her approximately the same number of messages. Be aware of who is initiating and concluding each text message. It is possible to switch if possible.

3. Make sure you are attentive to spelling and grammar. In your text messages, you're trying to convey the impression that you are intelligent and humorous. Teenagers may be able to perform this, however, adults over 18 need to pay more attention to spelling and grammar.
You don't need a dictionary to appear intelligent. Simply look over the text you're going to send for any obvious misspellings or typos. The way your text is interpreted can depend on how you use punctuation. A picture of your girl dressed in a fresh outfit is a good example. "wow! "wow!" sounds a lot more excited than the basic "wow!" and "I like ..." is much more flirty. Avoid using excessive emoticons, like smiley faces such as questions marks, winky faces. They can be effective when employed in the right context but they can also make you appear snobby. Check out this deeply text sms for your partner for recommendations.

4. Don't allow the conversation to drag on. It is important to be able to end a dead conversation. [8] If you leave the texting conversation for too long, it is easy to run out of interesting topics and make the conversation boring. You must ensure that you stop the conversation before reaching the point at which she is. She will always want more. You can end the conversation with something flirty and cute, such as "gotta go I'm going to go, my dear. I'll be in touch with you next time." Don't engage in any sort of problems with me. Or, "Time for bed - need to get my beauty sleep." You're invited to your dream!

5. Don't use text-based flirting to substitute for actual flirting. It's not a good idea to use texting as a means to flirt between actual flirting sessions. Although texting is great (and sometimes you can say things that aren't appropriate for someone else) it's nothing like the intimacy of flirting in person. Texting can be used to initiate conversations to arrange dates or organize your next casual date. This gives your texts an objective and could be something you and your partner enjoy. It is important to remember that things such as prolonged eye contact and a beautiful smile are more effective than words on a monitor.

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